Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Get Some Head
If I told you what the plot was about I would sound absolutely insane, but if you're interested yu can read about it on wikipedia. Seriously, it's crazy.
It's got an amazing collection of voice talent, with Paul Giamatti voicing the main character and David Hyde Pierce as his nemisis Emperor Zombie. Molly Shannon plays former love interest/current vampire Patience and Patton Oswalt voices Screw-On Head's servant Mr. Groin. Oh, and Corey Burton plays Abraham Lincoln as well as the demon Zombie summons. See, how can something with insane characters like this not be excellent.
It's something that really has to be watched to be understood, and thankfully the animation is fantastic. It captures Mignola's style perfectly (as does the writing).
I know that's not much of a review, but, just watch it, especially if you like Bryan Fuller or Mike Mignola (or the Hellboy films). The DVD has a commentary track (with Fuller) a "Making of" that's pretty informative, some storyboard stuff and an insert that has drawing from Mignola and Guy Davis.
I do think that since Del Toro has a lot on his plate at the moment, Fuller would be an excellent choice to take over the Hellboy franchise. He really seems to understand what makes stuff like this work and while he doesn't have Del Toro's track record with the effects work, he has shown skill at some fantastical material.
Just a thought. Meanwhile, everyone should own this DVD. Especially since it costs all of $9 at Amazon. Hell, you can watch the whole thing on Google video here.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Review- Punisher: War Zone
While watching it I couldn't help but draw comparisons to another failed vigalante superhero film (Lots to choose from, no?), Batman and Robin. Now, in fandom there has been a long running comaprison between the two "heroes," and the argument of who would win in a fight (Batman. End of argument), blah blah blah. Now there's a new dimension to that debate. Who has the worst movie (or hell, worst franchise)?
I think Bats wins that fight too. But, it's really close.
Jigsaw's "origin" is crawling with...let's call them Joker's origin from Burton's original Batman film, and we're treated to these weird "gangs" jumping all around doing acrobatics in a scene that feels like it was deleted from Batman Returns (it's a short scene, but really I flashed right back to that travesty) then we get the over-the-top Dominic West (in make-up that looks straight out of the Corman Fantastic Four film) doing his best Tommy-Lee-Jones-as-Two-Face impression. Add in all kinds of neon lights, crappy side kicks, horrible accents and stupid dialogue and it's like someone crammed all of the most horrid elements of the Batman franchise into one movie.
In the "Making of" featurettes they keep referring to Ennis' Punisher and how they tried to stay true to it...but I really don't think they read Ennis' books at all. And, if they did, boy did they ever miss the point. Yes, Ennis tends to write hugely over the top action sequences, but usually they're so brief that you barely notice the...unrealness of it all. Where Ennis' Punisher work is the characters. Yeah, yeah, they tend to be over the top as well, but not to the point that they are just caricatures. In the movie they've boiled every single character down to some kind of archetype, and it's all so thinly veiled that it comes off as ridiculous.
The only thing I think I can complement in the entire film is the opening title sequence (Julio Ferrario, amazing job). And really, that's a damn shame because there's some pretty good talent involved in making the film. Two of the credited writers worked on Iron Man (Art Marcum & Matt Holloway), Ray Stevenson at least looks the part of Frank Castle (and I've heard he's a decent enough actor, this is the first thing I've really seen him in I think), and what little I've seen Dominic West in he's been good (don't watch The Wire, sorry). Julie Benz is great in Dexter, and there's Wayne Knight who I've always enjoyed in everything he's done. Rounding out the cast are Doug Hutchinson (Lost, The Green Mile), Colin Salmon (tons of stuff: Resident Evil, Match Point, Bank Job) and the always underrated Dash Mihok (maybe best known as Benvolio in Romeo+Juliet). So, all these great people, how is this movie such a failure?
The blame has to fall on Lexi Alexander, some of it anyway. This is her first really big film (her third altogether) and we get to watch as she makes the same mistakes every other bad action director has either moved on from or fallen prey to. She seems to think ultraviolence and hammy acting are what the movie needed. The rest of it has to fall on the producers who apparently passed on the script by the truly awesome Kurt Sutter (The Shield, Sons of Anarchy). Some of his story elements apparently remain, but he demanded his name be taken off the film (and rightfully so). Now, I'm not sure what happens in Sutters script, but I can't believe for a minute that it was worse than the story these people delivered us. Maybe some of it needs to fall on one of the other credited writers as well (Nick Santora), whose only other film writing is The Longshots, a more family friendly basketball flik. But, really, I can't say the guy is a bad writer since I'm not familiar with his work at all.
One of the films biggest surprises was its use of a score and not a more modern soundtrack full of rock music and the like. But, unfortunately the score is overpowering and distracting, which makes everything that much worse.
Hammy performances, cartoony ultraviolence, bad dialogue, terrible make-up, and rookie mistakes ends up taking what should be a no-brainer franchise two steps backwards from where it was at the end of the Thomas Jane entry. This thing is best avoided unless you're just a fan of terrible movies.
For an alternate view on the film, let me recommend "Classic Shit" by some guy named Nick (really, don't know his last name, he writes good though!)
Yes, I know that's improper, don't point it out.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Ooops, I did it again...
I've recently (kind of) watched the DTV Wonder Woman animated film, and I gotta say, it was pretty bad-ass. I enjoyed the attempt to explain away her costume, and the stuff with the lasso. I was a bit confused by the invisible plane did they get the tech to build it? Or even know what a plane is? I need to rewatch it. Lots of sword fights, bloody ones at that, not recommended for really young ones.
Also, the early look at the next DC animated flick was cool. It's gonna be Green Lantern, and it looks awesome.
On the TV front, Smallville is building towards its season finale, with the promise of the death of two characters. The rumors of which vary vastly. My favorite? Lois is gonna die, and Chloe will take her name as some sort of tribute, the Chloe and Clark live happily ever after. Hurray!
Seriously, people are stupid.
More later...maybe.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday's Five
Five Favorite TV Shows Based on Comic Strips
Yeah, it's not a big list, so narrowing down to "Five Favorite" isn't a huge chore, but it's bigger than you'd think once you start looking at them all.
5. Garfield and Friends
I remember this show being one of my favorites as a kid, and when the DVDs hit I picked them up and was surprised how well they held up. The humor is mostly juvenile, but with Garfield that's what you get.
4. Dilbert
This is a show I loved based on a strip I never understood.
3. The Boondocks
The amazing thing about this show was how it was able to step outside the strip and establish its own identity. The strip took on culture, the show took down culture.
2. The Peanuts
Better than any other show ever adapted from...anything, this one captures the source material. These characters very much stepped off the page and onto the screen. And they're perfect.
1. The Addams Family
I did say it was a favorite list, and this one is my favorite. The show was so far ahead of its time (they were the first family to have a computer on TV) that I'm amazed it lasted as long as it did. It's hilarious, and I'm ashamed it took me so long to find out how wonderfult it was.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Spinner Rack- 3/11/09
The week's biggest release has got to be this 80's gem from your favorite producer and mine, George Lucas:
Howard the Duck
You know, the Amazon description is really pushing it. Towards the end they call it "a hidden treasure the whole family can enjoy." Really? It says Special Edition, but I can't find a list of bonus features. I guess having it on DVD is "special" enough.
Batman Anthology-Blu-ray
Bat-Nipples in high def? I thought this day would never come.
(JAN090248 ) SCOOBY DOO #142 $2.50
The Gang faces down zombies and a group of rival mystery solvers. Sounds fun.
Available exclusively at comic shops...wonderful idea, alienate the audience a bit more Marvel.
(JAN092448) WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ #4 (OF 8) $3.99
I really don't think I can wait until this is finished to read this, might have to track down the issues...
(JAN094301) ANGEL AFTER THE FALL HC VOL 03 $24.99 ($17 at Amazon)
(JAN094290) GI JOE #3 $3.99
(OCT084048) MAN WITH NO NAME #8 $3.50
I'd like to read this series, I'm a big fan of the movies.
(JAN093992) SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #198 $2.50
(JAN094314) STAR TREK ARCHIVES TP VOL 04 DS9 $19.99 ($14 at Amazon)
As always, you can find these at your local shop, and if you don't know where that is, just look to the right of this page and make with the clickity.
And, I was right, the Watchmen game came out last week(PS3, 360 & PC), and much like the film it's gotten only so-so reviews. Nothing new this week, unfortunately. Well, not comics related any how.
I've been lax on talking about toys on this blog, I'm gonna try and remedy that tomorrow with a post on some recent toys and statues, and maybe a few other collectibles.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Friday's Five
Five Comics I wish were TV Shows
5. Aztek, the Ultimate Man
You know this would be awesome, admit it. Done in the Dini/Timm animated style of course, no live action.
4. Y, the Last Man
It's truthfully the only way to go with this, screw a movie, and forget Shia. Drop it on Showtime or HBO, or even better, FX. You'd just have to edit the cursing a bit. And the boobs.
3. Deadpool
Another animated program, get Nolan North back to do the voice and violence it up. He stole the show in Hulk vs.
2. Castle Waiting
Okay, so I'm stuck in "animated" mode, but this really wouldn't work any other way. It would be like the Princess Bride, only better and weekly.
1. Preacher
The greatest comic book of all time? Gets my vote. I'd like to see a very literal adaptation of this (and Y the Last Man) taking each issue and making it an episode. Cast unknowns (basically) and air it on HBO.
Okay, time for Dollhouse!
Post-Watchmen Kneejerk Reaction
I'm totally kidding.
It wasn't bad, actually, it was pretty good. Probably as close to the book as we could ever hope. Sounds weird saying this about a story involving masked heroes and vigilantes looking to stop the apocalypse, but it didn't have the heart that the book has.
I'll probably go see it again.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Pre-Watchmen Thoughts
Worst case scenario, we get something like The League of Extraordinary Gentleman. Best case, we get something slightly better than V for Vendetta. I can see it now, Rorschach to Ozymandias: "I love you."
I'm wonderng/hoping if this could be the start of some big budget alternate history films. The only other one I can think of is Max, with John Cusack.
Now that I think about it, he'd have been a pretty good Comedian. Maybe if the film had been made in the early 90's?
How cool would that be? Starring 80's teen idols the Brat Pack! Judd Nelson as Rorschach! John Cusack as the Comedian! Ally Sheedy as the Silk Spectre! Emelio Estevez as Dr. Manhattan! Anthony Michael Hall as Ozymandias! (Or even better, Kevin Bacon!) Matthew Broderick as the Nite Owl! You could even bring in Kelly LeBrock as the Original Silk Spectre!
That would certainly eplain the link to that 80's Watchmen cartoon trailer.
I always wanted David Caruso to play Rorschach, since, you know, he's dead inside as well.
Why is it that everything Jeffrey Dean Morgan is in he plays a dead guy? Supernatural, Greys Anatomy, Weeds...
So, we've gotten the Dark Knight, Watchmen and we'll have Wolverine soon...I guess we need a good, dark Punisher movie to round out comics violent past. Oh wait, they already did that movie...three times...
I really can't believe they're making a video game of the damned thing.
Okay, here we go...
Who Watches the Links?
A Sherlock Holmes comic is coming.
So is the first Green Lantern movie.
Harry Knowles on Watchmen.
A look at/review of the Watchmen Motion Comic
Aphrodite IX, coming soon to a theatre near you.
Watchmen, the EW review.
A Suicide Squad movie?
Nick Fury is the Wolverine of Marvel movies, dude's everywhere.
What's it take to bring the big blue Doc to the screen?
Music that shoulda been on the soundtrack.
Meet the Watchmen. Try not to stare at the Doc's big blue junk.
New title for the new Superman flik?
Smallville Season 9 is a go.
Watchmen images.
Weird Wathcmen merchandise. Scrolling required.
Watchmen apparently was unfilmable, so says this guy.
Another comic to movie project, Welcome to Hoxford.
See Wolverine in a new postage samp sized trailer! Relive the internet from 1992!
Well, at least someone is still talking about Sin City 2.
Coraline=Hellraiser. Okay.
Tales of the Black Freighter talk.
Megan Fox is apparently a closet geek. First Hex, then Aspen.
Confused? Let the cast explain it to you.
I can't believe they said big blue penis.
Even the cast doesn't want a sequel.
The science behind it.
Another review.
Heeere's Jackie.
More Wonder Woman Talk
Spoiler Alert for Smallville fans!!!!!
Via Ausiello at EW:
Question: How about some Smallville news? --D-rick
Ausiello: The Legion will return in the May finale -- in some form. Also, I'm told this season's final two episodes will focus on a manhunt for Chloe and Doomsday.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Spinner Rack- 3/4/09
Two big DVD items this week, unfortunately they're the only two.
Wonder Woman
I'm really hopeful about this, and I love Keri Russell, even if it's just her voice. The one thing that bothers me is that it's not higher up on Amazon's pre-ordered list, and they didn't include anything in the way of a description for the DVD. Very odd. It's also available in single disc and Blu-ray versions.
Watchmen: The Complete Motion Comic
This ought to be intersting. The few reviews I've read so far have been kind, but really, you gotta wonder about paying 20 bucks to essentially have someone read you a comic book. But, the old Maxx series was essentially the same kind of thing and I enjoyed that. Like everything else these days, it's available in Blu-ray too.
Next up, we've got comics! I'll link to the publisher's site and issue descriptions and even preview pages where I can, and probably to Amazon for any trades listed. As always, the code to the left of the title is Diamond's order number, so if your local shop doesn't have it on hand, give em that number and they can order it for you. Don't know where your local shop is? Look to the right of the page!
DEC080047 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #23 CHEN CVR ......................$2.99 (preview)
DEC080048 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #23 JEANTY CVR ..................$2.99
JAN090259 FRINGE #3 (OF 6) ............................................................$2.99 (preview)
JAN090247 LOONEY TUNES #172 ..............................................................$2.50
JAN092449 MARVEL ILLUSTRATED KIDNAPPED #5 (OF 5) ......................$3.99
OCT084040 ARMY OF DARKNESS #17 ......................................................$3.50
JAN094154 BEN TEN ALIEN FORCE GN VOL 01 BEN 10 RETURNS ........$7.99
SEP083872 CHUCKY VOL 02 #1 (OF 4) ANDY B CVR A/B ............................$3.50
JAN094292 CLASSIC GI JOE TP VOL 02 ..................................................$19.99 ($14 at Amz)
JAN094322 DOCTOR WHO CLASSICS SERIES 2 #4..................................$3.99
NOV083872 FARSCAPE #3 CVR A/B................................................................$3.99
JAN094312 GALAXY QUEST GLOBAL WARNING TP ..............................$19.99 ($14 at Amz)
DEC083884 I AM LEGION #2 (OF 6) CASSADAY MARTIN CVR A/B................$3.50
SEP084195 KOLCHAK TALES ANNUAL #1..................................................$6.50
DEFIANCE #2 ........................................................................$3.99
So, go buy something already!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Meanwhile... (AKA Holy Broken Power Supplies Batman!)
"Deep Cover for Batman"
You can read a full episode description over at, spoilers abound. If you're not interested in that long of a recap: Batman travels to a parallel Earth disguised as the alternate reality (Read: Evil) version of himself, Owlman! There he infiltrates the Injustice Syndicate and helps the Red Hood (and the Justice Underground) stop their nefarious plot to destroy the world!
Easily the best episode so far, and I say that having fully enjoyed this series from the get-go. When I realized we were getting the animated version of the Crime Syndicate from the comics I have to admit I was pretty giddy with geek glee.
I don't know a ton about the alternate reality versions of DC's superheroes, just that it's a tops-turvy world where they're the bad guys and they kind of run amok. In spirit this animated version is obviously faithful to the original concept, but instead of some of the big DC heroes (Supes, Wonder Woman) we get versions of a number of characters that had previously appeared on the show: Silver Cyclone (Red Tornado), Blue Bowman (Green Arrow), Dyna-Mite (The Atom), Scarlett Scarab (Blue Beetle), Barracuda (Aquaman), Rubber Man (Plastic Man), Pussycat (Wildcat), Blaze (Fire), and Bwanna Brute (Bwanna Beast). Alternately we get previously seen villains from the show posing as the episodes heroes, with one notable exception: The Red Hood.
Until now we have yet to see any of the Bats traditional rogues gallery, the Red Hood is our first glimpse at the Joker. The Joker as a hero, no less. And boy does it work. Viewers not in the know might not catch the sly nod to Bats' most notable foe (I believe he'll be making an appearance in the next episode of this two-parter), but long-time comic fans certainly did. I think seeing this heroic side of the character is certainly going to make watching the maniacal version of the guy heartbreaking. Jeff Bennett as the Red Hood steals the show from the Diedrich Bader voiced Batman, making me want to see a whole series based on this counter-earth with him as the hero.
The show had all kinds of nods to Bat-history as well as what I think might have been a great tip of the cap to their cross town rivals at Marvel. First up, the title of this episode and the next are a nice little nod to the 60's series Adam West show (which, tonally, this show has been doing since day one). The (possible) nod to Marvel comes towards the end of the episode when The Red Hood sends the Syndicate's bomb to the Zombie Earth (no chance of us seeing THAT episode I guess...).
All in all a fantastic episode, and if you can catch the repeat, I highly recommend it.
You can catch a brief glimpse of the episode over at Cartoon Network's site, but only for a limited time!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The Spinner Rack- 2/10/09
Cartoon Network Acion Pack #34 $2.50
Here's what's in it:
"Sporting an all-new Secret Saturdays adventure featuring Hibagon! Plus, Kids Next Door and Samurai Jack!"
All quality shows, should be quality comics.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz #3 (of 8) $3.99
This is one I definitely want to pick up when it gets collected:
"The journey of Dorothy, Toto, the Tin Woodman, The Scarecrow and Cowardly Lion along the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City of Oz continues peacefully until they encounter the Kalidahs! These fierce creatures with heads of tigers, bodies of bears and sharp claws launch a ferocious attack against the quintet! It will take every resource they can muster for the ragtag bunch to survive this deadly encounter. "
Army of Darkness: The Long Road Home $14.99 ($10.19 at Amazon right now)
Because you can never have too much Bruce Campbell (My Name is Bruce is also out this week!):
"After the apocalyptic events of From the Ashes, Ash is reunited with Sheila as the two set out to remake the world and reclaim the legacy of humanity. How can Ash possibly screw this up? Oh, just you wait...It all starts here in Ash's Long Road Home!"
Spike: After the Fall HC $21.99 ($14.95 at Amazon right now)
That cover is just awful...
"Poet, vampire, murderer, lover, hero, prisoner, slave - Spike has been called a lot of things. But, by the time this fight is over, he'll have one more name: Lord! Or "dust"... maybe we'll just call him dust, considering how it seems things are going in his immediate future. But after enjoying this collection of the four-issue Spike: After the fall series you'll be looking at the events of Angel: After the Fall in a whole new light, courtesy of Brian Lynch and Franco Urru!"
Transformers: War Within Omnibus $19.99 (13.59 at Amazon right now)
I don't even know what's going on on this cover...
"Before Stormbringer, before the Beast Wars, before even Generation One, there was... The War Within! Four million years before the Transformers came to Earth, civil war rocks their home world of Cybertron, and Optimus Prime faces his first - and greatest - challenge! But before he can deal with the Decepticons, the new Autobot leader must look within, and decide if Cybertron is worth saving at all! IDW is proud to present this omnibus collecting the long-out-of-print 12-part War Within series from the Transformers' past."
Also out this week (sorry, couldn't find pics or info):
DEC084071 ANGEL #17 $3.99
DEC084081 GI JOE #2 $3.99
DEC083765 SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #197 $2.25
You can find all of that and more at your local comics shop, and if you don't know where that is, well, just go here and type in your zip code. It's like magic. If you can't find it at your local shop, give them the Diamond order code next to the name and they can order you a copy!
Since I didn't get anything done last week, I'll try and get a few things up this week, especially a review or two!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Spinner Rack-02/04/09
Heathcliff: I (Heart) Sonja
Just in time for Valentines day, Gearge Gately's troublemaking cat gets a DVD release chronicling some amorous adventures, and at $6.99, it's not a bad deal. Here's Amazon's description:
"Lard Times - Sonja tells Heathcliff he needs to lose a little weight, so he goes on a crash diet with the help of the Alley Cats. Every time Heathcliff weakens and tries to eat something, Mungo or Hector snatch food away. When Heathcliff is finally able to tell Sonja he has 10 pounds, she admits she'll love him at any weight so he instanty returns to his former gluttonous ways. Sonja's Nephew - In order to get a date with Sonja, Heathcliff promises to baby-sit her little nephew, Eggbert, for the day. The precocious kitten runs Heathcliff so ragged, he doesn't have the strength to go out with Sonja that night. Star of Tomeow-meow - Heathcliff and Sonja land the leading roles in a movie which is filming in her town. However, once on the set, Heathcliff discovers he is merely a stunt double for a temperamental star. After surviving several rigorous stunts, Heathcliff challenges the conceited star, who storms off the picture, leaving Heathcliff to do the final love scene with Sonja. The Whitecliffs of Dover - A highbrow English couple, and their equally-arched cat Reginald are new in town. Reginald takes Sonja on a date but a twist of fate has locked him out of his house. This leads to a tangle with the Alley Cats; a near-capture by the Dog Catcher; and a tussle with Spike - with Reginald being saved each time by Heathcliff. In the end it's tit-for-tat. Heathcliff's learned a little about how to treat Sonja like a lady; so he sets out to teach Reginald how to survive - Heathcliff-style. May the Best Cat Win - Much to his dismay, Iggy and Marcy enter Heathcliff in a show against pedigree cats. He uses his less-than-scrupulous best to win the show and impress Sonja."
Afro Samurai: Resurrection-Director's Cut
The baddest mother on the planet (that's Samuel L. Jackson folks) returns for another round of bad-assness. Also available in Blu-ray and an edited version. Here's the description:
"Afro Samurai (Academy Award ® nominee Samuel L. Jackson) avenged his father and found a life of peace. But the legendary master is forced back into the game by a beautiful and deadly woman from his past. The sparks of violence dropped along Afro’s bloody path now burn out of control – and nowhere are the flames of hatred more intense than in the eyes of Sio (Lucy Liu: Kill Bill). She won’t quit until Afro is schooled in the brutal lessons he dealt those who stood in his way. There’s no such thing as final vengeance. The cycle of bloodshed spinning around the Number One Headband must roll on. Featuring the voice of Mark Hamill (Star Wars) and fresh production from The RZA (Wu-Tang Clan), the saga that began in the best-selling anime DVD of 2007 continues in AFRO SAMURAI: RESURRECTION. "
Lone Wolf & Cub, Volume 6
Apparently there have been two Lone Wolf & Cub series; this warrents further investigation I suppose; I was aware of this one, and I believe this release is a completely different series judging from the actors involved. Yet, wikipedia says there have been no DVD releases of this second series. But, wiki's are often out of date, and the release started less than a year ago. Here's the descrtion:
"Master swordsman Ogami Itto held the honorable position as the Shogun's executioner. When rivals kill his wife and handmaidens, it is initially believed that it was to avenge a clan lord's execution. However, the ghastly deed was designed by the envious Yagyu Retsudo to disgrace and frame Ogami in the eyes of the Shogun, giving him criminal status and forcing him to forfeit his lofty post. With his surviving one-year-old son, Daigoro, Ogami sets off to live as an assassin-for-hire until he can locate and exact revenge upon the Yagyu clan. Based on the manga by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima, the Lone Wolf and Cub television series began in 1973 and chronicles the journeys and adventures of the fabled duo on their pat to vengeance. Tokyo Shock is proud to bring this classic series to the English-language market for the first time ever."
See, not a lot of DVD's this week...
As always, follow any links in the titles to see a preview of the issue.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8 #22 $2.99
I still haven't made it past Season 4 of this show...I'll get to it one day. Here's the official description from Dark Horse:
"Vampires are the hottest thing around -- forget hipsters; being a bloodsucking fiend is where’s it’s at! Slayers must take the good fight underground if they’re to avoid any bad press from the general public.When Kennedy is sent to Japan to evaluate Satsu’s efforts as team leader, they are taken by surprise by some fierce furry creatures who want to do nothing more than destroy Buffy (surprise!), while Twilight remains the captain of the anti-Slayer ship."
Kull #4 (of 6) $2.99
I love it when companies describe their own productions.
"Dark Horse's riveting adaptation of Robert E. Howard's "The Shadow Kingdom" comes to a bloody crescendo, as Kull and Brule uncover further layers of deception and treachery in the ancient halls of Valusia's Tower of Splendor. Over the centuries, the human race has become confident of its complete dominance over the natural and supernatural realms. Using humanity's own arrogance and indolence against itself, a shadowy race of snake creatures has returned to nearly full strength -- and is poised to take over Valusia as a first step in toppling man's soft civilization! Kull, the newly crowned warrior-king, and Brule, a Pict emissary, are all that stand between the snake-men and the decimation of the Seven Empires. Ancient rivalries are put aside as Kull and Brule fight for their lives, their people, and their very souls!"
Looney Tunes #171 $2.50
I love that cover. Here's DC'c official description:
"Love is in the air as Taz meets the monster of his dreams! But who can teach him to sweep her off her feet? Why, none other than Monsieur Pepe Le Pew!"
That actually sounds hilarious.
Ender's Game: Battle School #3 $3.99
Eventually Marvel is going to just publish comic adaptions of books.
"The legendary sci-fi epic by New York Times Bestseller Orson Scott Card continues as the children's training continues at Battle School, but Ender begins to question exactly who the enemy is. He's been isolated, his peers have been turned against him, and now he's been thrown into the deep end... transferred into an army of kids all much older than him. Even if Ender can make it through this, he's found a new game that he might not be able to beat. It's called the Giant's Drink, and no one's ever gotten out of it alive. "
Also available at you local comic shop (some you can pick up discounted at Amazon, just follow the links!):
OCT083941 FARSCAPE #2 $3.99
NOV083854 FUTURAMA COMICS #41 $2.99
SEP083927 MAN WITH NO NAME #7 $3.50
OCT084045 ZORRO #10 $3.50
I included Diamond's order code (that's all that info next to the title), so if you can't find it at you local comics shop, get 'em to order it for you! Don't know where your local comics shop is? Go here, enter your zip code, and presto, it'll give you the closest one!
All in all a pretty light week, which is great, maybe I'll get some reviews done this week!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Don't Forget to Flush!
Newsarama thinks a film based on the Flash may be a go.
Gamespot has a look at Batman Arkham Asylum. They also have reviews of the Afro Samurai game. Still can't find a review of the Coraline video game, which likely means it's terrible.
SciFi Wire has reports on Spider-Man 4 and a little bit of Watchmen info, none of which is really news.
A link in a link dump that leads to a link dump full of links: CBR's Comic Reel has a few little tidbits of info/links to comic book related projects.
Ain't It Cool has an interview with Coraline director Henry Selick and a little review of the new animated Wonder Woman film. Possible spoiler warning there, I haven't read the review yet, nor the interview.
So, yeah, that should keep you busy at work.
You can read more about the comic book here. And if you like what you see, order yourself a copy over at
Sunday, February 1, 2009
What to Watch
Daily (* denotes shows that do not air on Saturday and Sunday at that time)
Sabrina the Teenage Witch (8-9AM, 2-3PM* ABC Family)
Batman: The Brave and the Bold (8:30AM* Cartoon Network, Episode re-airs at 2:30)
X-Men: The Animated Series (1AM, 2:30AM Toon Disney)
X-Men: The Animated Series (9:30-11AM Toon Disney)
The Avengers (11:30PM Toon Disney)
Spider-Man Unlimited (12AM Toon Disney)
Casper (8:20AM Starz)
Batman: The Animated Series (8-9:30 AM Toon Disney)
Superman: The Animated Series (9:30-10:30AM Toon Disney)
X-Men: The Last Stand (7:30PM FX)
Fantastic Four (1994 Series) (11PM Toon Disney)
Incredible Hulk (1996 Series) (11:30 PM Toon Disney)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends (12:30AM Toon Disney)
Fantastic Four (1994 Series) (9:30AM-11AM, 11PM Toon Disney)
X-Men: The Last Stand (4:30PM FX)
Incredible Hulk (1996 Series) (11:30PM Toon Disney)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends (12:30AM Toon Disney)
Ghost Rider (7:05AM, 3PM, 12:05AM Encore)
The Avengers (8AM-9:30AM Toon Disney)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends (9:30AM-11AM, 12:30AM Toon Disney)
Smallville (New Epsisode) (8PM CW)
The Fantastic Four(1994 Series) (11PM Toon Disney)
Incredible Hulk (1996 Series) (11:30 PM)
The Crow: Wicked Prayer (3AM Sci-Fi)
Fantastic Four:Rise of the Silver Surfer (4:40PM Cinemax)
Batman: The Brave and the Bold (New Episode) (8PM Cartoon Network)
Wolverine and the X-Men (New pisode) (8PM Nicktoons)
Li'l Abner (11:30PM Turner Classic Movies)
The Avengers (11:30PM Toon Disney)
Spider-Man Unlimited (12AM Toon Disney)
Spectacular Spider-Man (7:30 AM CW)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 Series) (9:30AM CW)
Batman:The Brave and the Bold (10:30AM, 7:30PM Cartoon Network)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990 Movie) (11:30AM ABC Family)
Teenage Mutant ninja Turtles II: Secret of the Ooze (1:30PM ABC Family)
Teenage Mutant ninja Turtles III (3:30PM ABC Family)
Spider-Man 2 (5PM FX)
Iron Man (1994 Series) (5:30PM, 7PM Toon Disney)
Barb Wire (6PM Showtime)
Superman: The Animated Series (6PM Toon Disney)
Superman Returns (8PM FX)
The Avengers (9pm ABC Family)
Spider-Man Unlimited (9:30PM ABC Family)
Spider-Man (1994 Series) (10PM-1AM ABC Family)
The Boondocks (12:30AM Cartoon Network)
Daredevil (10AM FX)
Batman:The Brave and the Bold 12PM-1:30PM Cartoon Network)
Son of the Mask (12PM TBS)
Spider-Man 2 (1PM FX)
Superman Returns (4PM FX)
Batman Returns (4:30PM HBO)
Iron Man (1994 Series) (5:30PM ABC Family)
Richie Rich (6PM TNT)
Superman: The Animated Series (6PM ABC Family)
Spider-Man (1994 Series) (10-11PM-, 12-1AM)
Superman: The Animated Series (11PM-12AM ABC Family)
300 (11:30PM HBO2)
The Drinky Crow Show (12:15AM Cartoon Network; Re-airs at 4:15AM))
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Stuck in the Middle with You
According to The Middleblog, the best new show of the last year is coming to DVD. It Seems Shout! Factory is putting the set together, and knowing how fantastic their other sets have been I expect no less with this one.
Unfortunately I think ABC Family cancelled the show because of its poor ratings, but believe me when I say this is a set you'll want to own. You can read more about the show and its cast on the IMDB page, and the comic book series its based on at wikipedia.
And I should say that the news of this came to me from
Let's Get Political
I've been reading a lot of blogs and opinions from people about our new President, and I just hope evetyone realizes that we elected a man, not a superman and not an antichrist. This hope and change stuff is great when you're running around trying to get elected, but making it stick is a whole different ball game. On top of that, we elected a politician, and let's not forget that it's politicians who got us exactly where we are today, not Republicans and Democrats, politicians, every sngle one of them.
I cross my fingers and hope that Obama can do some good, but I also hope that all of his followers don't become blind to things he might do that aren't so great, else we wind up with a Wizard of Oz scenario again and no one is paying attention to the man behind the curtain.
Also, there's a lot of religious bashing that seems to be going on, and I was extremely disappointed to see some of it coming from people I consider friends. What happened to tolerance?
I guarantee you that there isn't a single person who knows me that can say I've ever beat them over the head with my religious beliefs, so why is it okay for you to belittle the things I believe in? Because there are those out there that believe in God and Christ who do act like idiots? They don't represent a majority, just like Muslim extremists don't represent a majority of Muslims, is it simply okay because it's a Christian belief? I really don't understand. I've never mocked or belittled someone because of their belief (well, maybe Scientologists, but they make it so darn easy...kidding) and to have it done to me by people I quite frankly makes me angry and a little sad. Just because your guy won doesn't give you free reign to go after people any more than it did Bush's supporters when he was president. (In case anyone is wondering, my guy wasn't even IN the race, and I won't ever cast a ballot for anyone who supported bailing these companies out, make all the arguments you like, the government is not a bank)
The hope and change that we need won't ever be enough if we continue to seperate ourselves into classes. Believer, non-believer, Athiest, Agnostic, Christian, Jew, Hindi, Muslim, Black, White, Hispanic, whatever. We're all people, the labels don't matter. So, can we all stop with the hate speech please? This isn't a school yard fight, we're not six year olds, we're supposed to be adults. Just because someone isn't like you doesn't give you the right to pick on them. That goes for all of you, the Dems and Republicans dammit.
And while I'm on that, why can I go to Burger King and get it my way, but when I go to cast my vote for anyone I pretty much have to choose between two things, it's time for a third party...or even a fourth party. Or even better, no damn parties at all.
Okay, I'm gonna step off my soap box now. My apologies for getting fired up, I'm just a little fed up with being insulted by both sides of this argument. People say "Did you vote for Obama?" and when I say no, yeah, I get treated like a piece of dirt. Don't bother asking if i support McCain (I don't) or even where I stand on things, just assume away. Then, I get the exact same from all the McCain/Palin people when I say I didn't vote for him.
Judge not. Those are words to live by.
Get Commited
Friday, January 30, 2009
Friday's Five
The Five Greatest Superhero Movies of All Time
5. Iron Man
This is the movie that made it fun to be a comic book fan again. For me any way. Downey's performance is spot on, and the film is action-packed and hysterical from beginning to end. I think it stands pretty much in a category by itself. The only downer was the fight at the end, but it's so short you barely even care that Chaplin just beat the crap out of The Dude.
4. Unbreakable
Hah, bet yo didn't expect to see this one. M. Night's take on Superman was both creepy and inspiring, and is easily the best origin story ever put to film. There's been talk since this movie came out about a sequel, but I've always hoped it never came to fruition. I like not knowing where the story goes from here.
3. Spider-Man 2
The first and third entries of this franchise pale when compared to this masterpiece. With this film it seems everyone had settled into their roles, gone were some of the goofier aspects of the first film, no origin was needed so there was more story time and we actually got a believable, tragic villain. Raimi was on fire with this film, I just wish I knew who doused the flame and killed the franchise.
2. X2: X-Men United
Despite the idiotic name, this movie gave every comic book geek what they'd been salivating for for decades, a great X-Men story. By stitching together bits and pieces of some of the best X-stories comics had to offer, Singer and company delivered a morality tale disguised as an action film. Solid performances from the entire cast (even Halle Berry) and one of the most intense endings I believe I've ever seen. Seriously, I thought Cyclops was gonna start kissing Wolverine.
1. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
Sure, The Dark Knight is fantastic, maybe even the best movie of the last few years, but really it was Heath Ledger and Aaron Eckhart that made the film what it was (well, and the rest of the supporting cast). To see a true Batman film, this is the one you need to watch. It's got everything that makes a good Batman story: Mystery, love ( a good love story too, nothing as contrived as what every other Batman film has tried to shove down our throats), tragedy, comedy (a la the greates Joker, Mark Hamill), it still pulls me in every time I watch it, and every time I hope that things turn out different for old Bats, but alas, they never do.
Agree, disagree, got your own list? Post away in the comments and lets discuss!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Review: Hulk vs Wolverine
Directed by Frank Paur
Written by Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost
Animation by Madhouse Ltd.
Run Time: 37 mins
Rated PG-13 (Special Features Not Rated)
Widescreen (1.78:1 Ratio)
English & Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital Audio
English Subtitles
Special features: Audio Commentary by Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost; Audio Commentary by Frank Paur, Kevin Altieri and Butch Lukic; "This is Gonna Hurt: The Making of Hulk vs. Wolverine" Featurette; "Fan Frenzy: Hulk vs. Wolverine at the San Diego Comic-Con" Featurette; "First Look: Wolverine and the X-Men" Featurette; Trailer Gallery
Overview: What you see is what you get, essentially, and that's definitely not a bad thing. Kyle, Yost and Paur deliver a story that captures everything you'd want in a Hulk vs. Wolverine story. Solid voice work from the cast and fantastic animation from Madhouse (that's probably mind-blowing if you get the Blu-ray version), the only real problem I had was that the flashback stuff gets a little confusing if you don't know your Wolverine history and the Hulk vs. Wolverine battle really is only about ten minutes of the whole film. The special features are pretty much run-of-the-mill, but still relatively informative. The Making of is a lot more in-depth than I would have expected, but the Comic-Con featurette is pretty much pointless and the First Look at the Nicktoons series is a glorified commercial (Not that I can blame them for doing it, there's just not much to it). The Kyle/Yost commentary track is fun, equal mixes of MST3K kind of humor and geek-trivia, while the second track falls more on the tech side of things with supervising director Frank Paur and story board artists Kevin Altieri and Butch Lukic. All in all a pretty good package for a great movie.
Here's where I'm gonna plant the geek flag and let it fly. Also, spoiler warning! So, if you don't want to know anything more about the story, off with you!
In-Depth: I've enjoyed all of the Marvel/Lionsgate animated movies so far, but this one raises a bar I don't think they can ever clear. From the opening scene of Wolverine coming too and resetting a broken arm (or maybe a dislocated shoulder, not sure), this movie is bad ass from beginning to end. Like I said, the Wolverine/Hulk figh treally isn't much of the film, but it does cover the first ten minutes or so. From the under water fight to the Hulk slamming giant rocks into Wolverine's head (which he just shrugs off), it watches like a "Best of" collection of Wolverine/Hulk moments from the comics. Then we get into the meat of the story as the badasses of all badasses enter the picture, Weapon X- Deadpool, Sabretooth, Lady Deathstrike, and Omega Red. They take down Wolvie and Hulk and bring them back to the Weapon X compound and we're treated to a bunch of Logan's back story (including fantastic nods to Barry Windsor Smith, it's like his designs stepped off of the page). Deadpool and Lady Deathstrike easily steal the show after this point. If they captured the essence of any Marvel character to their core, it's these two. Deadpool's wit is spot on, and you definitely get a feel of the insanity that runs rampant in his mind, and Deathstrike is just plain old evil. There are nods to the past her and Wolverine share, and her confrontation with the Hulk leads to one of the best moments in the film as she seemingly is getting the best of him...until he rips her arms off. Omega Red and Sabretooth both feel true to their comic book forms, but I think that's part of the problem I had with them in the film, they're very two dimensional. So, it's hard to say anything really negative about them or the way they end up portrayed. Omega Red does have a nice little scene where in the background he's pummeling Wolverine as Hulk dispatches the rest of Weapon X. It's hilarious and violent all at the same time. Like I said, though, Deathstrike and Deadpool steal every scene they're in, and Deadpool almost steals the entire movie. According to Paur in the commentary track Nolan North, who does Deadpool's voice, ad libbed almost all of Deadpool's dialogue, which is just amazing, he really gets what the character is all about. From beginning to end this little movie is an amazing piece of animation. It sets out to do exactly what it inteded to and makes no bones about being a 37 minute slugfest. I do want to mention the main title sequence, done by a studio called Perception, which apparently put the thing together in about three weeks, and it's absolutely stunning. You can actually watch it over on their site here. Thomas and Joel Moser also did a great job on the end titles, which showcases tons of images from not only Wolverine and Hulk history, but Weapon X comic covers and panels as well. In fact the entire movie has consistent nods to the more famous Wolverine/Hulk comic book panels, as well as Kyle and Yosts own X-23, they even got Kaare Andrews to design the DVD covers. Guy Michelmore returns to score yet another Marvel animated project, and does a great job, the music is extremely effective. The voice cast was stellar, and Madhouse did their usual unbeleivable job with the animation. This is definitely worth the bucks to buy, I've watched it three times already and will probably get in a few more viewing in te next week or so. I'd recommended it to any fan of the comics, or if you're looking for something that is just action packed and hilarious. 9/10
Indigo Lantern sounds funny
Previews has a pretty cool page spotlighting some artists, this Batman painting is probably the coolest of the bunch. I did find it weird that two of the pics were from West Java, Indonesia. What're the odds on that?
If you don't know what Previews is, simply put it's the place where comic and specialty shops order their merchandise. You can often find tons of cool junk you don't these Green Lantern shirts with logos for the Indigo and Orange Lanterns. I want both of them.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Here comes the Snikt! has a pretty cool slideshow up with loads of pics from the upcoming Wolverine film, this one is easily my favorite (Why? Deadpool is in it, duh), but you'll have to go to the site to view the whole thing. So what are you waiting for, make with the clickity!
The Spinner Rack- 1/27/09
The All New Super Friends Hour: Season One Volume Two
The series that introduced the world to the Wonder Twins comes to a close with Volume Two. I'm not sure why they felt the need to label it Season One, the show only had the one season in this incarnation, but, hey, whatever. Warner Bros. has been so screwy in the way they released these Super Friends sets I'm not surprised. Still, looks like a decent set for the price, so far all of the transfers on the Super Friends releases have been decent enough, unfortunately the only extra on this set is a featurette about said Wonder Twins. I've picked mine up already,but seeing as how I've yet to get around to watching the other sets I can't see myself jumping into this one immediately. We're still waiting a release of the original 1973 Super Friends series as well as the 1980 series of shorts and The World's Greatest Super Friends and the "Lost" episodes from The Best of... show. Eventually I suppose we'll get them, then maybe I can sit down and watch 'em all in order. Well, DVD order, some of the releases actually have the episodes of of I said, screwy. There's a wiki entry on the whole series with links going all over the place, you know, if you're in the mood for a headache.
However, if you do want a copy of this release, head on over to Amazon, you can get it for right at $20 at the moment, and what's a $20 bill weighed against so many childhood memories?
Hulk Vs.
The latest in Marvel's line of Direct-to-DVD animated releases features two shorts on the Jade Giant as he battles it out with Wolverine and Thor. The DVD comes in a standard single disc edition, a two-disc special edition and a Blu-Ray release (and on the Amazon page the "Blu-Ray" logo is in a green bar, don't think I've ever seen it a different color before, kinda cool) Here's the official description from Amazon:
"Marvel Animated Features premieres two all new action-packed films together on one release - Hulk vs. Wolverine and Hulk vs.Thor. Hulk vs Wolverine: Alberta, Canada. The Incredible Hulk has been tearing a line across the Canadian countryside, leaving a swath of destruction in his wake. He has to be stopped, and there's only one man up to the job. He's the best there is at what he does, but what he does isn't very nice. He's Wolverine, an elite agent of Canada's top secret Department H, and he's been put on Hulk's trail with a single objective: stop the green all costs. Hulk and Wolverine are about to enter the fiercest battle of their lives. Hulk vs. Thor: Asgard, realm of the gods. For ages, Loki the trickster has sought a way to bring defeat to his accursed stepbrother, Thor. But for all the battles Thor has fought, in all the nine realms, only one creature has ever been able to match his strength - a mortal beast of Midgard known as The Incredible Hulk. Now, with Odin, the almighty king of the gods, deep in a regenerative sleep, and the forces protecting Asgard at their weakest, Loki is finally ready to spring his trap. In an epic battle that will pit gods against monsters, that will test a hero's limits more than ever before, only The Mighty Thor can hope to prevail."
The two-disc special edition includes two audio commentaries for each film, one by writers Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost and one by Director Frank Paur, two featurettes for each film and trailers for upcoming projects. I'm going to assume the Blu-Ray carries all that as well, while most of it (or all of it) is likely left off the single-disc DVD release. The Amazon pages all have some nice screen caps as well as a preview of the film.
I've already watched Hulk vs. Wolverine and plan to finish the disc and its features this week, so expect a full overview of that coming soon.
Batman: The Brave and the Bold #1 $2.50
I haven't had a chance to get my hands on a copy of this yet, but I do know it's out there. Spawning from the new show airing on Cartoon Network (of the same name), it features new stories of the Caped Crusader teaming up with some of DC's finest. Here's DC's description of the first issue:
"In this awesome first issue, show writer Matt Wayne (Justice League, Ben 10: Alien Force) joins forces with Andy Suriano and Dan Davis to bring you "The Panic of the Composite Creature," a tale of terror and adventure! All this action plus Batman's secret files await you each and every month. So hang on to your seats, and get ready for the read of your life!"
I've gotta say, I enjoy the show and I'm looking forward to reading this, looks fun.
Fringe #2 (of 6) $2.99
The prequel comic for J.J. Abrams Fox TV series sees it's second issue...five months after the show has been on the air. Still, it might answer a few questions, or at least give us a peak at what goes on in Bishop's head. Haven't gotten issue one yet because, well, I'm still not sold on the series, but I'll probably track them down when the series finishes out just so I can give an overview of it on the old blog. Here's DC/Wildstorm's description of the issue:
"The secret history of Walter Bishop and William Bell continues in this exclusive tie-in to the hit Fox show Fringe! Witness their first attempts at pushing the boundaries of science and reality!"
Yeah, that's not much to go on...
Push #4 & 5 (of 6) $3.50
I didn't even realize they were publishing a prequel comic to the upcoming film. Looks like they're trying to get the issues out before it gets released (Feb. 6). Here's the official descriptions from DC/Wildstorm:
#4 & 5"He's broken back into Division to help free his fellow agents held captive there, and now Ezra and his new band of rogue psychics must derail a plot to ignite an international incident – one so devious it could force even more power into Division's grasp. Having learned the secrets of Division's sordid past and its nefarious plans for the future, Ezra and company must determine a way to shut Division down for good. The prequel to the upcoming motion picture continues! "
The link on issue #4 will take you to the page giving the issue details and you can download some preview artwork if you're interested. Again, I'll probably check these out once the story is finished and give my views on the whole set.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre Vol. 2 $14.99 (or $11.24 at Amazon right now)
Not much to say on this, just not my cup o' tea, but here's the official description from DC/Wildstorm:
"Leatherface returns with more bloody horror! Collecting CUT #1, ABOUT A BOY #1, BY HIMSELF #1, RAISING CAIN #1-3 and the TEXAS CHAINSAW short story from NEW LINE HORROR ANTHOLOGY #1, this gory volume will have you screaming with delight."
Actually, I take that back, Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning, as well as Will Pfiefer and Bruce Jones wrote some of these issues, all of them are damn fine comic book writers, so it may be worth checking out eventually.
The X-Files #3 (of 7) $3.50
Another one that was never my bag, as a kid I found the show a bit too creepy and as an adult it all seemed too goofy, but I'm not judging, I actually enjoyed the first film. (And now I'll be lynched by true fans of the show...) Here's the official description:
"Mulder and Scully are sent to San Francisco to investigate a series of murders happening simultaneously throughout the city. But, according to fingerprints and DNA, all are being perpetrated by the same killer. As their investigation takes them into the unknown mysteries of the Chinese underworld, they learn that instead of being the hunters, they have become the hunted."
The link in the issue number at the top will take you to the site and you can download some preview art if you're interested. I gotta say, I am digging that cover by Jim Daly and Tim Bradstreet.
Dark Tower: Treachery #5 (of 6) $3.99
Marvel's comic adaption of Stephen King's fantasy epic continues:
"In the midst of Gilead’s coming of age party for Roland and his ka-tet, the treacherous Walter O’Dim and the Good Man John Farson have enlisted Steven Deschain’s wife, Gabrielle, in a deadly scheme to assassinate Gilead’s ruler. Once Deschain has been removed, the path to Maerlyn’s Grapefruit will open wide for the Crimson King and his minions to reclaim the nightmare-seeing sphere and plunge all of Mid World into chaos."
Another one I haven't been following...Marvel does have a pretty cool page that encompasses stuff on all their Dark Tower projects if you're interested in the comics though. This issue has two variant covers, proving that absolutely no one learned anything from the 90s comic book market.
The Stand: Captain Tripps #5 (of 5) $3.99
Another Marvel/King project that will take time to finish. I did love the book, I might have to check out the comics. Here's the issue rundown:
"The violently contagious superflu Captain Trips has now encompassed the entire country in its deadly embrace and there’s no turning back. America is rapidly becoming a country of the sick...the dead...the damned. Against that ever-darkening backdrop, Randall Flagg, the Walking Dude, the Dark Man, at long last saunters into this, the climactic chapter of the first volume of Marvel's acclaimed adaptation of Stephen King's horror classic. Abandon hope all ye who enter here... "
Also available at your local comic shop:
Red Sonja Annual #1
Buckaroo Banzai Big Size #1
Sheena: Dark Rising #3
Xena vs Army of Darkness: What Again? #4
Aplogies for the lack of details on these, most of the publisher's web sites aren't very user friendly, and, well, I'm not going to spend hours tracking down images and descriptions.
You can, however, find all these books and more at your local comic book shop. Don't know where that is? well, just go here and type in your zip, and viola!
I bet you guys didn't think there would be much in the way of music or audio when it comes to comics. Well, outside of soundtracks. You guessed wrong!
Graphic Audio has apparently released audion versions of some DC Comics based novels that were published back in 2004. The CD's came out a few months back, but these two showed up on Diamond's release list for the week, so I just had to report on them:
Here's Amazon's rundown of the story:
"As The Flash, Wally West may be struggling to find his place within the ranks of the JLA, but he knows he has one great advantage over every trial he has ever faced: he is the Fastest Man Alive. Now, for the first time, he has met his match. A scientist has created something that can move even faster than Wally Westand it's killing people in Keystone City. Forced to battle the one foe who can truly stay one step ahead of him, The Flash soon learns that the consequences of the creature's actions reach far beyond Keystone and threaten the future itself with annihilation."
The second one is Wonder Woman: Mythos
Here's what they say about it:
"Mysterious events in the Bermuda Triangle propel Wonder Woman on a desperate search for the truth behind the disappearance of a diver near Themyscira, home of the legendary Amazons. But her discovery of a mirror island--one populated entirely by men--sets events in motion that ultimately cause the Justice League to come into conflict with a figure from Wonder Woman's own mythological past. But is she powerful enough to save them?"
Apparently they're part of a Justice League series that includes upcoming Green Lantern audio book, already released Batman and Superman audio books and a Justice League audio book. Graphic Audio has also produced adaptions of DC's 52 and Infinites Crisis. I'm definitely interested in checking these out. If you are too, check out Graphic Audio's DC section, where you can order MP3 versions of them relatively cheap (as well as preview the material), or just look 'em up on Amazon!
There's some video game releases this week as well!
Afro Samurai , out on the PS3 and Xbox 360 platforms ($69.99); Coraline, available on the Nintendo DS and PS2 and Wii. I'm not sure if the game is essentially the same on all three platforms. I plan on tracking down some reviews on them and I'll post links to those as soon as I find them.
That about covers it for the week, but there's more than enough there to keep anyone busy for months, so go out (or just make with the clickity) and spend some dough on something geeky, and of course, enjoy it!
Side Note: The spacing of this post may be a bit off while I get used to blogging again, you'll just have to forgive me!
Mission Statement
This is a blog about media and comics, particularly where the two meet. Television, film, music, toys, video games, books, the internet and any other obscure thing I happen to run across. Mostly what you'll find is me talking about the latest comic-to-film DVDs or TV shows that are either out or in the works; news, views and the like, me talking about whatever cool toy line/figure I run across, comics-related game I just played or some weird comic-related thing I found on the web...or in an aisle at Wal-Mart. In reverse, though, you'll also see me talk about the occasional tv show/movie/video game that's found its way into comics
I'm sure there will be the occasional off topic post and even an actual comic book discussion now and again. So, sit back, and hopefully enjoy yourself! And by occasional I probably mean frequent.