Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday's Five

Almost missed it...

Five Comics I wish were TV Shows

5. Aztek, the Ultimate Man

You know this would be awesome, admit it. Done in the Dini/Timm animated style of course, no live action.

4. Y, the Last Man

It's truthfully the only way to go with this, screw a movie, and forget Shia. Drop it on Showtime or HBO, or even better, FX. You'd just have to edit the cursing a bit. And the boobs.

3. Deadpool

Another animated program, get Nolan North back to do the voice and violence it up. He stole the show in Hulk vs.

2. Castle Waiting

Okay, so I'm stuck in "animated" mode, but this really wouldn't work any other way. It would be like the Princess Bride, only better and weekly.

1. Preacher

The greatest comic book of all time? Gets my vote. I'd like to see a very literal adaptation of this (and Y the Last Man) taking each issue and making it an episode. Cast unknowns (basically) and air it on HBO.

Okay, time for Dollhouse!

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